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The 5th Biennial

Mentoring Workshop for

Pre-Tenure Women in Philosophy

June 23, 2019 | 3:00pm-8:00pm

June 24, 2019 | 8:00am-6:00pm

June 25, 2019 | 8:00am-2:30pm


The Mentoring Workshop is the centerpiece of the Mentoring Program for Early-Career Women in Philosophy, an ongoing effort to foster mentoring relationships between senior women in the field and women just beginning their careers. The program follows a model designed by women in the American Economics Association, one which has proven remarkably successful in helping academic women advance their careers. As in past editions, the fifth Mentoring Workshop will involve small-group intensive working sessions interspersed with plenary panel discussions on professional development and work/life issues.

The Workshop this year will be hosted by the Philosophy Department of Boston University. The keynote speaker for the 2019 Workshop will be Sally Haslanger (MIT).




Louise Antony

University of Massachusetts Amherst

JF_JAN1666 Lichtenberg.jpg

Juliet Floyd

Boston University


Susanne Sreedhar

Boston University


Elaine Miller | Miami University
Continental Philosophy & Feminist Philosophy
Deborah Tollefsen | University of Memphis
Carol Hay | University of Massachusetts Lowell
Ethics & Social/Political Philosophy
Margaret Atherton | University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
History of Philosophy
Margaret Atherton | University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
History of Philosophy
Sara Bernstein | University of Notre Dame
Alice MacLachlan | York University
Ethics & Moral Psychology
Dimitria Electra Gatzia | University of Akron
Philosophy of Science, Mind, and Language


Mentee Lodging & Workshop Banquet

10 Buick St., Boston, MA 02215

Main Workshop Venue

610 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, MA 02215

Selected Workshop Sessions

640 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, MA 02215

© 2019 Boston University

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